Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Mythbusters and Life Skills

What does Mythbusters have in common with workplace skills? 

Today for a soft skill lesson I covered accepting help from others. To demonstrate why it can be a benefit to accept help from other people I chose a Mythbusters episode called, "Driving Blind." In the episode the mythbusters  test out the myth that a person who is blind can drive if directed by a person with functioning vision. I chose this episode because I thought it was an amazing example of how two people can accomplish a seemingly impossible task if they work together. The class loved the episode and everyone gave the episode their full attention. After the episode everyone identified the "helper" and the person being helped as well as the benefits of the two parties working together. 

After the Mythbusters episode the class tried out blind driving for themselves. I asked the trainees to pair up, once everyone was in pairs partners were asked to guide their blindfolded comrade around an "obstacle course" set up in the tiny classroom. To make things harder the blindfolded person had to hold a spoon out in front of them which had a small bouncy ball resting in the spoon; the blindfolded peson had to not only navigate around the objects in the room but alos not drop the ball. The main objective for the groups was to practice helping out their friend by giving them clear directions which they could follow. The exercise was amazing, we all had a blast laughing at each other and everyone learned a lesson about why it can be helpful to rely on other people and about giving clear directions which other people could understand.

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